Classical Mechanics - Kepler's Law

The period of a hypothetical Earth satellite orbiting at sea level would be 80 minutes. In terms of the Earth’s radius Re, the radius of a synchronous satellite orbit (period 24 hours) is most nearly

A. 3 Re
B. 7 Re
C. 18 Re
D. 320 Re
E. 5800 Re
(GR8677 #75)

Kepler’s 3rd Law:

R3 / T2  = constant    

Tearth = 80 minutes
Tsatellite = 24 × 60 minutes

Re3 / Te2  = Rs3 / Ts2  
Rs3 = ( TsTe2 ) Re3 
Rs3 = (24 × 60 / 80)2 Re3 = (18)2 Re3 
Rs = (18)2/3 R= (324)1/3 R≈ 7 Re

Answer: B

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