Quantum Mechanics, Particle in a box

An attractive, one-dimensional square well has depth V0 as shown above. Which of the following best shows a possible wave function for a bound state?

(GR9277 #29)

1-D square well with depth  V0  → finite potential well.

Wave function of a particle in finite potential well should have these following properties:

  • ψ →0 as x → ± ∞ or get further into regions where the classical particle cannot penetrate at all due to its inadequate energy
  • ψ is always a decaying exponential function
  • ψ must be continuous and differentiable


A. FALSE. ψ does not go to zero as x → ±∞

C. FALSE. ψ is not continuous

D and E are FALSE. ψ are not decaying exponential functions

Answer: B

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