Thermal Physics - Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics

A large isolated of N weakly interacting particles is in thermal equilibrium. Each particle has only 3 possible non degenerate states of energies 0, ε, and 3ε. When the system is at an absolute temperature Tε/k, where k is Boltzmann’s constant, the average energy of each particle is

A. 0
B. ε
C. 4ε /3
D. 2ε
E. 3ε
(GR8677 #67)

In thermal equilibrium:
→ Each particle has roughly equal probability of being in any of the three states.
→ The average energy of each particle is total energy/3 = (0+ε+3ε)/3 = 4ε/3

Answer: C


Complete Calculation:

Tε/k → 1 ≫ ε/kT 
ε/kT → 0
e-ε/kT → e0  = 1

Partition function: Z = ∑i e-εi/kT
i = 3 → Z = 3

Probability: Pi = e-εi/kT/Z
P1 = P = P = 1/3

Energy: E = ∑i EiPi
E = E1P1 + E2P2 + E3P3 = (0+ε+3ε)/3 = 4ε/3

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