Two uniform cylindrical disks of identical mass M, radius R, and moment inertia ½MR2 collide on a frictionless, horizontal surface. Disk I, having an initial counterclockwise angular velocity ω0 and a center-of-mass velocity v0 =½ω0R to the right, makes a grazing collision with disk II initially at rest. If after the collision the two disks stick together, the magnitude of the total angular momentum about the point P is
A. Zero
B. ½MR2ω0
C. ½MR2v0
D. MRv0
E. Dependent on the time of the collision
(GR8677 #97)
Ltotal = Ltrans + Lrot
Ltrans = r × p
r = distance from the center of disk I to point P.
At point P, R = r.
Ltrans = R × p = R × Mv0 = M(R × v0)
From the problem, ω0 is counterclockwise and v0 is to the right. Thus, the crossproduct (R × v0) is negative. Also, v0 =½ω0R
Ltrans = −½MR2ω0
Lrot = Iω0
Moment inertia, I = ½MR2
Lrot = ½MR2ω0
Ltotal = −½MR2ω0 + ½MR2ω0 = 0
Answer: A
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