The solution to the Schrödinger equation for a particle bound in a one-dimensional, infinitely deep potential well, indexed by quantum number n, indicates that in the middle of the well the probability density vanishes for
A. The ground state (n = 1) only
B. States of even n (n = 2, 4, ...)
C. States of odd n (n = 1, 3, ...)
D. All states (n = 1, 2, 3, ...)
E. All states except the ground state
(GR9677 #51)
Wavefunctions for the first 5 states for a particle bound in a 1-D, infinitely deep potential well

The even wave functions (n = 2, 4, ...) always have nodes in the middle.
→ probability density for states of even n vanishes.
Answer: B
The even wave functions (n = 2, 4, ...) always have nodes in the middle.
→ probability density for states of even n vanishes.
Answer: B
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