Optics - Polarization

Unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident on a series of three polarizing filters. The axis of the second filter is oriented at 45o to that of the first filter, while the axis of the third filter is oriented at 90o to that of the first filter. What is the intensity of the light transmitted through the third filter?

A. 0
B. I0/8
C. I0/4
D. I0/2
E. I0/√2
(GR0177 #51)

The first filter always reduces the intensity of the light to half, I1I0
The next filter reduces the intensity by In = I(n-1) cos2 θ
θ is the angle with respect to the nth filter.

I1 = ½ I0

I2 = I1 (cos 45)2 = I1 (½ √2)2 = ½ I1 = ¼ I0

I3=I2 (cos 45)2 = ½ I2 = I0/8

Answer: B

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