Nuclear & Particle Physics - X-rays

In the production of X-rays, the term “bremsstrahlung” refers to which of the following?
  1. The cut-off wavelength, λmin, of the X-ray tube
  2. The discrete X-ray lines emitted when an electron in an outer orbit fills a vacancy in an inner orbit of the atoms in the target metal of the X-ray tube
  3. The discrete X-ray lines absorbed when an electron in an inner the X-ray tube
  4. The smooth, continuous X-ray spectra produced by high-energy blackbody radiation from the X-ray tube
  5. The smooth, continuous X-ray spectra produced by rapidly decelerating electron in the target metal of the X-ray tube
(GR0177 #20)

Bremsstrahlung is German for ‘braking radiation’.

This is the radiation that is released as the electron slows down or is “braked” and results in a continuous spectra.

Answer: E

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