Thermal Physics - Adiabatic

The adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas is described by the equation PV γ = C, where γ and C are constants. The work done by the gas is expanding adiabatically from the state (ViPi) to (VfPf) is equal to

A. PfVf
B. ½(Pi + Pf)(V − Vi)
C. (PfVf   − PfVi)/(1 − γ)
D. Pi(Vf 1+ γ − V1+ γ )/(1 + γ)
E. P(V1- γ − V1- γ)/(1 + γ)
(GR9677 #73)

PV γ C
P CV γ

W = ∫ P dV
C ViVf  V γ dV
= [C/(−γ + 1)] V γ+1 Vi|Vf
= [C/(1 − γ)] (Vf 1γ− Vi 1γ)
= (VfCVf γ− Vi CVi 1γ)/(1 − γ)
= (VfPf  − Vi Pi )/(1 − γ)
= (PfVf  − PiVi )/(1 − γ)

Answer: C

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