Nuclear & Particle Physics - Photon Scattering

Photons of wavelength λ scatter elastically on free protons initially at rest. The wavelength of the photons scattered at 90o is increased by
  1. λ ⁄ 137
  2. λ ⁄ 1836
  3. ħ(mec) where ħ Planck's constant, me the rest mass of an electron, and c the speed of light
  4. ħ ⁄ (mpc) where ħ Planck's constant, mp the rest mass of a proton, and c the speed of light
  5. zero
(GR8677 #45)

Compton Scattering: the inelastic scattering of photons from charged particles.

θ = 90o → cos θ = 0
For proton scattered at 90o, Δλ = ħ ⁄ (mpc)

Answer: D

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