Electromagnetism - Impedance

An alternating current electrical generator has a fixed internal impedance Rg + jXg and is used to supply power to a passive load that has an impedance Rg + jX1, where j =√(−1). Rg ≠ 0 and Xg ≠ 0. For a maximum power transfer between the generator and the load, X1 should be equal to

A. 0
B. Xg
C. −Xg
D. Rg
E. −Rg
(GR8677 #64)

Maximum power transfer theorem (Impedance matching): 

Maximum power is transferred from a source to a load when

  • Load resistance = the internal resistance of the source, or 
  • Load impedance = complex conjugate source impedance (Zl Zs*)
Zs Rg + jXg  with  j =√(−1)
Zs* Rg  jXg

For max power transferred: 
Zl  Zs*

Answer: C

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