Electromagnetism - EM Radiation

A charge particle oscillates harmonically along the x-axis as shown above. The radiation from the particle is detected at a distant point P which lies in the xy-plane. The electric field at P is in the

A. ±z direction and has a maximum amplitude at θ = 90o
B. ±z direction and has a minimum amplitude at θ = 90o
C. xy-plane and has a maximum amplitude at θ = 90o
D. xy-plane and has a minimum amplitude at θ = 90o
E. xy-plane and has a maximum amplitude at θ = 45o
(GR8677 #53)

Since point P lies in the xy-plane, the electric field at P also lies in the xy-plane, and its maximum amplitude is at θ = 90(perpendicular to the acceleration of particle).

Answer: C

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