Electromagnetism - Oscilloscope

The circuit shown above is used to measure the size of the capacitance C. The y-coordinate of the spot on the oscilloscope screen is proportional to the potential difference across R, and the x-coordinate of the spot is swept at a constant speed s. The switch is closed and then opened. One can then calculate C from the shape and the size of the curve on the screen plus a knowledge of which of the following?

A. V0 and R
B. s and R
C. s and V0
D. R and R'
E. The sensitivity of the oscilloscope
(GR9277 #86)

The voltage of a capacitor follows an exponential decay:

V(t) = V0e−t/RC 

C depends on V(t), V0, t, and R.

Vis given and known from the beginning of measurement.

The y-coordinate of the spot on the oscilloscope screen is proportional to the potential difference across R. Thus, V(tis the shape and the size of the curve on the screen.
The x-coordinate of the spot is swept at a constant speed s. From this we can calculate time t.

Therefore, we can calculate C from the shape and the size of the curve plus a knowledge of s and R.

Answer: B

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