Classical Mechanics - Rotational Motion

One ice skater of mass m moves with speed 2v, while another of the same mass m moves with speed v toward the left, as shown in Figure I. Their paths are separated by a distance b. At t = 0, when they are both at x = 0, they grasp a pole of length b and negligible mass. For t > 0, consider the system as a rigid body of two masses m separated by distance b, as shown in Figure II. Which of the following is the correct formula for the motion after t = 0 of the skater initially at y = b/2?

A. x = 2vt y = b/2
B. x = vt + 0.5b sin (3vt/b)    y = 0.5b cos (3vt/b)
C. x = 0.5vt + 0.5b sin (3vt/b)     y = 0.5b cos (3vt/b)
D.  x = vt + 0.5b sin (6vt/b y = 0.5b cos (6vt/b)
E.     x = 0.5vt + 0.5b sin (6vt/b) y = 0.5b cos (6vt/b)
(GR9277 #78)
x = xtranslational + xrotational

To find  xtrans:
Conservation of linear momentum: mv₁ + mv₂ = (m₁ + m₂)v'
m(2v) + m(−v) = 2mv'
→ v' = 0.5v
xtransv't = 0.5vt
→ A, B and E are FALSE.

Check answer C. x = 0.5vt + 0.5b sin (3vt/b)
xrot = a sin ωt = 0.5b sin (3vt/b) ω = 3v/b

To check if ω = 3v/b:

At t = 0,
L = L₁ + L = rmv + rmv₂ = 1/2bm2v + 1/2bmv = 3/2bmv

At t > 0,  
L' =
Moment inertia of the system: I = ½mb²
→ L' = ½mb²ω

Conservation of angular momentum:  L = L' 
3/2bmv = 1/2mb²ω ω = 3v/b

Answer: C

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