Quantum Mechanics - Harmonic Oscillator

A particle of mass m is acted on by a harmonic force with potential energy function V(x) = ²x²/2 (a one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator). If there is a wall at x = 0 so that V = ∞ for x < 0, then the energy levels are equals to

A. 0, ħω, 2ħω, ...
B. 0, ¹⁄₂ħω, ħω, ...
C. ¹⁄₂ħω, ³⁄₂ħω, ⁵⁄₂ħω, ...
D. ³⁄₂ħω, ⁷⁄₂ħω, ¹¹⁄₂ħω, ...
E. 0, ³⁄₂ħω, ⁵⁄₂ħω, ...
(GR9677 #98)

The probability distributions for the quantum states of the oscillator without the barrier.

image: hyperphysics

Infinite barrier at the origin means a node at origin, or the wave function goes to zero at x = 0.

By symmetry, the ground state will disappear, as well all the even states.  Odd values remain.

 Answer: D

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