Electromagnetism - EM Radiation

A charged particle, A, moving at a speed much less than c, decelerates uniformly. A second particle, B, has one-half the mass, twice the charge, three times the velocity, and four times the acceleration of particle A. According to classical electrodynamics, the ratio PB/Pof the powers radiated is

A. 16
B. 32
C. 48
D. 64
E. 72
(GR9677 #70)

Larmor formula:
Power radiated by an accelerating non-relativistic point charge particle,
P = q²a² ⁄ 6πɛ0c³

does not depend on m and v.

PB/P=  (2q)² (4a)² q²a²  =  64

Answer: D

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